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31st May 2019.   Our NPLQ course had a special unplanned and unofficial session tonight

. It was a practical EOP session.  An electrical fire started in the Basement Plant Room causing smell of smake in the changing rooms.  Full evacuation of the Leisure Centre took place and Fire Brigade called and a "head count" was carried out outside.  All our candidates were safe..

25th May 2019 - details of Survive and Save Stillwater & Beach Awards added


Spring term 2019.  Most of our courses are on this web site.  If you cannot find a course to meet your requirements please let us know via our "Contact Us" page and we will see if we can find or arrange something to suit your needsd.

Autumn term 2018.  Once again we had 9 candidates on our NPLQ course and I am pleased to report that all 9n candidates passed the final assessment with external assessors,  This reflects the high standard of the tuition given by Carl and Martin - Well done to all concerned.


July 2018 - Most of the details for our courses in the Autumn term have been added to this web.  Of your required course is not listed and we will see whether we can run this course.

Summer Term 2018 - This term we had 9 candidates on our NPLQ course and all of them passed the award on the first attempt - well done to all candidates & their instructors

2018 - April 11th - Details of forthcoming Open Water Lifeguard courses added to the 'Lifeguarding' page - please click here for details.

2018 - March 31st - Welcome to our new website - we hope you like it!

Our last NPLQ Course - Our last course was full and I am pleased to report that all of the candidates passed. Unfortunately several candidates missed sessions during the course and had to attend additional sessions in order to achieve the min of 38 hours training before the assessment - as required in the licence from the RLSS.


2017 - October 16th -  Distinction Awards - these were presented to Melissa, Amelia and Diana at the Enfield Civic Centre by the Deputy Mayor and the Deputy Lieutenant for Enfield this evening.


2017 - October 9th - Three of our members achieved the DISTINCTION Award and this is the highest award in the RLSS Survive & Save Award scheme.  These were Melissa, Amelia (who both gained all 4 of the Gold Awards - namely, Medallion, Sport, Stillwater and Beach)  and the third member with 3 gold awards was Diana. These are the first Distinction Awards we have gained, and possibly the first in the Borough of Enfield. Well done to these three, I think that by their example we will have more awards next year.  


2017 - July to September.  Some of our members attended Stillwater and Beach assessments organised by our Hertfordshire Branch.  A total of 17 Silver or Gold Open-water awards were gained,. This is the first awards of this type that the club has achieved. 


2017 - April to July NPLQ Course.  I am pleased to report that we had 12 candidates and all passed NPLQ with AED and 11 of them passed First Aid at work.


2016 - RLSS Service Award.  We are pleased to announce that Martin Carter was presented with an award for 20 years service to the Royal Life Saving Society at the London Guildhall last Saturday 15th October.  Many thanks Martin for all your help with us during these years.

2016 Accounts.  Our 2016 accounts showed a net operating loss of over £800. This has been deducted from our reserves.

2014 Accounts.  Our accounts for 2014 have been audited and confirm that we made a slight overall profit last year. Our total income and expenditure for the year has been submitted to the Charity Commissioners and is shown on their website, under our reg. Charity No 1027206.    If anyone wishes to see our audited income & expenditure accounts, they should contact myself.  Our thanks go to our honorary auditor for the many hours taken to sort out the accounts.(Allan, April 2015)


2014 Annual report - A very successful year.  Our total number of awards gained is the highest ever (see Award gained on this web site) and we have made a slight profit during the year and this has meant that we have be able to keep some of our fees for 2015 the same or slightly lower than those for 2014.  Several of our instructors have gained a higher grade of award.  I would like to thank every member of our team of instructors for all their help during 2014 - without their help we could not have achieved these results.    (Allan Dec 2014) 


Change of web address.   Due to MelbourneIT (the Domain Name Providor) not permitting Microsoft to use our original name; we have had to buy a new name and put a "uk" after it.  We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.  (Nov 2014)


RLSS Certificate of thanks.  The RLSS HQ have approved a certificate of thanks to two of our former instructors, Shoumo and Amrish, who are currently at university.  HQ awards these certificates on the recommendation of the club and Middlesex Branch who have completed at least 4 years of good service within the RLSS.


2013 Annual Accounts.  Our thanks go to one of instructors parents who has kindly agreed to check and agree our  "Income & Expenditure" and Balance sheets for 2013.   Our total income for the year was £13,375 with total expenditure was £12,146,  this gave us a profit of £1,229.  These figures have been sent as part of our report to the Charity Commissioner.    If any of our candidates during 2013 or 2014 or their parents would like a detailed copy of the "Income & Expenditure Account" would they please let me know. 


Presentation evening - 12th September.  Unfortunately this had to be cancelled at late notice due to a mistake at Headquarters meant that the majority of the Survive and Save awards were sent direct to the candidates instead of to me. Naturally the candidates were reluctant to return their awards to us, so that we could present them.  We thought that it would be best to cancel the evening completely rather than have just a few present. 


Summer Holidays Our team of young instructors have decided that the more senior of our instructors must keep working during the summer.  With the result they were asked to organised the following events mainly for our "staff"

Trial 2 hour session for stillwater assessments at Cheshunt.  Three AIs took part under the supervision of Martin and they found the cold water can be very cold even in August.  They also realised that they should not have turned down the offer of wet-suits.  Even so the general opinion was that they would like to have another attempt at it.

Paediatric First Aid at Work.  This 12 hour course was run by Martin at the Scout HQ.  3 candidates passed but one was unable to complete the course.

Rookie Instructor Course This course was held at the Scout HQ  and four of our assistant Instructors became fully qualified Rookie Instructors.   They are now keen to progress to Lifesaving Instructor award.

Assistant Instructor Course.  This course was also held and we welcomed Fintan as a new probationary AI.

Lifesaving Instructor Course.  This course was the last course to be held in the Summer holidays - we hope that Linden and Kieren soon complete their various teaching & award assessments and gain their full Instructor Status.


This Web-site.   I must apologise for this web-site going off line, and any inconvenience that this has caused.  Firstly, someone closed the site and our e.mail address without my approval.  Then came the big problems, for the past two years Microsoft have been our server/host but the name suppliers MelbourneIT thought that the server was either themselves or   or    If you can read this news item we are back with our original server - Microsoft     (Allan - 9.7.14) 


Congratulations to Martin on gaining Open water endorsement to his training and assessing awards. This means that we can now run stillwater courses and assessments. (20.7.14)


Presentation Evening - Our next Presentation evening is planned for Friday 12th September at Southgate Leisure Centre. The former MP for Enfield North and Home Office Minister, Joan Ryan, has kindly agreed to present the awards.    More details to follow. (Allan 7.7.14)


First Aid at Work - Congratulation to Martin on passing his TA First Aid at work.   This means that we can now include the First Aid at Work in some of our courses.


Annual RLSS inspection.  Monday 3rd Feb 2014 -We did it!  (See below) We gained more marks than last year - we achieved a mark of 99%.  Well done to all our instructors on achieving this high standard.  Allan (Course Co-ordinator)


Presentation Evening - 17th January 2014  The member of Parliament for Southgate, Mr David Burrowes, visited the club.  On arrival he was welcomed by some of our instructors and the proceeded upstairs and saw a group from one of the local schools being taught part of the theory,  required for the Silver Survive and Save award as part of their GCSE - PE (Lifesaving).  He then went to the activities room where the award recipients and their parents had assembled in readiness for him to present most of the awards gained by members of the club during the Autumn term (September to Christmas)  He also gave a short speech congratulating the club on its achievements and thanking the parents for their support with the fees and transport.   He also thanked the dedication of the instructors for turning out regularly on a Friday evening.


After the presentation he went on the pool-side to see the various groups in action.  These included three Silver Medallion Groups, A Pool Lifeguard group and a small Bronze Sport Group. 


Asda (6.1.14-updated 5.7.14) I was advised that Asda in Southgate are supporting us.   Costumers collected green tokens from the cashiers, and then placed them in one of the three collecting chutes in the entrance foyer.  One of these was for Enfield School of Life Saving.  We have now received a cheque in response to these tokens.    Many thanks to all those who supported us.


Report for 2013.

A very successful year in all respects.

Finances  Our finances are healthy and we have been able to slightly lower some of our fees.  Overall we made a slight profit during 2013 but the accounts are still to be audited.

Membership For most of the year we were working to our maximum capacity and as a result some people wanting our courses are being put on a waiting list .

Awards gained.  This year we achieved the highest number of awards for many years.   For details see the "Awards Gained" section on this web-site.

Staffing -  I am pleased to report that our team of voluntary instructors has been very reliable with excellent teaching ability that has resulted in the number of awards gained.  Several of our instructors have gained higher awards themselves during the year.   We have carried out some staff training.  For list of our instructors and their qualifications see "How is Who" on this web-site.   Several of our staff have taken part in lifeguarding several open water events.


MP Visit For Club Awards Ceremony - 17.01.14    8 to   Our Local Member of Parliament will be visiting our club to present some of the Awards gained during the past term.   Mr David Burrowes will also see the club in action.  For the majority of the classes it will be week 2 of a 13/14 week course.   It is hoped that he will see some of the theory being taught in the upstairs meeting room.  This will help most of the candidates with their GCSE-PE Lifesaving subject.    After the presentation he will  go onto the poolside to see the various water-skills being taught and this will include the training of future lifeguards.

Parents of award recipients are also welcome

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